Physical Therapy Near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY

About US 

Read about our team to learn more about who provides physical therapy near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY. Long Island Sports and Physical Therapy, founded by orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Patrick J. DeRosa MD in 1982, has evolved into a flourishing practice under the management of his daughter Cristina DeRosa PTA, and physical therapist Dr. Kristin D. Conforti.

Cristina DeRosa graduated with honors from Penn State University,  receiving a Bachelors in Business and Psychology.  After returning from school she worked alongside her father running his physical therapy practice since 2009.  Her desire to directly help the patients she had worked so closely with and become “family” to her and her father led her to complete her Physical Therapy Assistant Degree in 2017 from Nassau Community College.

Kristin Conforti accepted her first job after graduating from Quinnipiac University with her Masters of Science and minor in Psychology at Long Island Sports working directly with Dr. DeRosa.  After completing her Doctorate in 2010 from Northeastern University, Kristin furthered her clinical experience and founded Movement Concepts Physical Therapy, P.C in 2013.

Together they are proud to carry on the legacy of excellent care and dedication that Dr. DeRosa started in Rockville Centre and Bohemia, which included rehabilitation ranging from weekend warriors to professional athletes.

Not only did Cristina and Kristin join their previously established practice locations, but have successfully gone on to open their fourth location in Bayport, in order to further expand their services to nearby communities.

Our team works hard to give you the best physical therapy near Franklin Ave Garden City!

Ten Tips For Dealing With Knee Pain

If you’re experiencing knee pain, you’re not alone. Knee pain is a common problem affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. Various factors, including injuries, arthritis, overuse, etc., can cause it if you seek relief from knee pain and physical therapy near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY, can help. If you need a physical therapist, call Movement Concepts Physical Therapy today.physical therapy near franklin ave garden city ny

Strengthen Your Muscles

One of the best ways to prevent knee pain is to strengthen the muscles that support your knee joint. This includes your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles. Physical therapy can help you identify which muscles need strengthening and develop a safe and effective exercise program for your specific needs. Movement Concepts Physical Therapy is located in Garden City and has a wellness and performance program that will help with injury prevention. The stronger the muscle, the harder it is to injure. If you need a medical professional to treat your knee condition, schedule an appointment with us today! 

Stretch Regularly 

Stretching is another important way to prevent knee pain. Regular stretching can help improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. Your physical therapist can help you develop a stretching routine appropriate for your fitness and specific needs. Stretching can also help with strength, pain relief, as well as increasing your range of motion. As we age, our body gets harder to function properly and it can be hard to get back to normal. Come visit our physical therapy clinic to learn more about our health and wellness options. We can put you on the road to recovery! 

Wear Supportive Footwear 

Wearing supportive footwear is another key to preventing knee pain. Shoes that are well-cushioned and provide good support can help reduce stress on your knee joint. Your physical therapist can help you select the best footwear for your needs and advise how to fit and wear your shoes properly.

Modify Your Activities

If you’re experiencing knee pain, it may be necessary to modify your activities. For example, reduce your time running or participating in other high-impact activities. Your physical therapist can help you identify safe and appropriate activities for your fitness and specific needs.

Use Ice and Heat Therapy 

Ice and heat therapy can help reduce knee pain and inflammation. Ice can help reduce swelling and numb pain, while heat can help improve circulation and relax tight muscles. Your physical therapist can guide how to use these therapies safely and effectively.

Practice Good Posture

Maintaining good posture is another important way to prevent knee pain. When you stand or sit with good posture, your weight is evenly distributed, and your knee joint is less likely to become stressed or overloaded. Our physical therapists can guide how to improve your posture and reduce your risk of knee pain. Visit our website to receive the best care possible!

Get Plenty of Rest

Getting plenty of rest is essential for preventing knee pain. Your body needs time to recover from the stress of physical activity, and getting enough rest can help reduce inflammation and promote healing. Physical therapy can guide how much rest you need and when it is safe to return to physical activity.

Use Proper Lifting Techniques 

Using proper lifting techniques is essential for preventing knee pain and other types of injuries. When lifting heavy objects, be sure to use your legs to lift rather than your back. Your physical therapist can guide how to lift safely and avoid injury.

Physical Therapy Near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY 

If you’re experiencing knee pain, it’s essential to get physical therapy near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY. Physical therapists are trained to help people with knee pain identify the cause of their pain and develop a personalized treatment plan to address it. With the proper treatment and guidance, you can reduce knee pain and improve your overall quality of life.

Movement Concepts Physical Therapy 

Dealing with knee pain can be a frustrating and painful experience, but there are many things you can do to prevent and manage it. By following these ten tips and seeking the guidance of physical therapy near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY, you can reduce your knee pain and get back to the activities you love. If you’re experiencing knee pain, contact Movement Concepts Physical Therapy. Our team is ready to help you get back to total health! 

Movement Concepts Physical Therapy: Effective Treatment for Shin Splints

Shin splints are a common injury that can cause pain and discomfort in the lower leg. They are often caused by repetitive stress on the shinbone and the connective tissues that attach the muscles to the bone. Shin splints can occur in anyone who engages in physical activity, but they are widespread in athletes and runners. If you are experiencing shin splints, seek treatment from Movement Concepts Physical Therapy near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY, where our expert physical therapists can help you recover and return to your active lifestyle.

Understanding the Underlying Causes of Shin Splints

When you first visit Movement Concepts Physical Therapy near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY, our physical therapists will conduct a thorough assessment to determine the underlying cause of your shin splints. We will evaluate your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle to identify any contributing factors. We aim to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your needs and helps you achieve long-term success.

Common causes of shin splints include overuse, poor footwear, running on hard surfaces, and muscular imbalances. Our physical therapists can identify these contributing factors through a comprehensive assessment and develop a treatment plan that addresses them.Physical Therapy near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY

Strengthening and Flexibility Training for Shin Splints

Exercise therapy is an essential component of treating shin splints. Our physical therapists will develop a customized exercise program tailored to your needs and goals. This program may include strengthening exercises, flexibility training, and other exercises designed to address the underlying cause of your shin splints.

Strengthening exercises can improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles in the lower leg. This can help to reduce the stress on the shinbone and the connective tissues that attach the muscles to the bone. Flexibility training can improve your range of motion, which helps reduce the strain on your lower leg during physical activity.

Hands-On Techniques to Relieve Pain and Promote Healing

In addition to exercise therapy, our physical therapists may use manual techniques to relieve pain and promote healing. These techniques may include massage, joint mobilization, and soft tissue mobilization.

Massage can help to reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation. Joint mobilization involves gentle, controlled movements to help restore normal joint mobility. Soft tissue mobilization involves using hands-on techniques to release tension and reduce pain in the muscles and other soft tissues in the lower leg.

Strategies to Prevent Shin Splints from Recurring

Education and prevention are critical components of our treatment approach at Movement Concepts Physical Therapy near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY. Our physical therapists will inform you about your injury, the recovery process, and strategies to prevent shin splints from recurring.

These strategies include proper footwear, avoiding running on hard surfaces, and incorporating appropriate warm-up and cool-down exercises into your routine. Our physical therapists will also provide a home exercise program to help you continue your rehabilitation at home.

Physical Therapy Near Franklin Ave Garden City

Shin splints can be a painful and frustrating injury. Still, with the help of our expert physical therapists at Movement Concepts Physical Therapy near Franklin Ave Garden City, NY, you can recover and return to your active lifestyle. Through exercise therapy, manual therapy, education, and prevention strategies, we can help you achieve long-term success and prevent future injuries. If you are experiencing shin splints, don’t wait to seek treatment. Contact Movement Concepts Physical Therapy today to schedule an appointment and start your journey toward recovery.